I have touched on the illegal
immigration problem a time or two, but since immigration reform is
such a hot topic for the upcoming 2012 election, I decided that it
was time to take it head on.
A lot the left wing liberals would
have you believe that, if you don't want to let all those poor
mistreated “UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS” (criminals) stay in the
US and give them all the rights and privileges associated with
citizenship in this great country of ours, you are a heartless
racist1. These bleeding hearts believe that someone who
sneaks into our country and flaunts our laws should receive the very
same entitlements, education, public (tax payer) supported programs
and everything else that you and I; and all the LEGAL immigrants
receive2. Were not even supposed to call them illegal any
more. Now we are supposed to call them undocumented workers3.
The liberal thinking seems to be
that since, with the exception of Native Americans, we are all
immigrants or the descendants of immigrants, so everyone-no matter
how they came into the country-should get the same treatment.
Is that right? Is it fair? Let's
look at some facts.
To start with, illegal immigrants
getting all the benefits of a legal citizen is a direct slap in the
face to those people that came here legally and went through the
entire process of becoming an official, legal US citizen4.
They worked hard, went to school. They had to learn a new language
and learn about our history, constitution and laws. These people: naturalised citizens are welcome here and are the backbone-the very
fabric of the United States of America.
Those of us born in the states
tend to take our citizenship for granted. After all, all we had to do
was be born. According to the 14th amendment, anyone born
here is automatically a citizen5. Becoming a US
citizen when coming from another country is a lengthy and difficult
process and those that complete the process and take the oath6
deserve the respect of
all other Americans. They are welcome here and deserve to live here.
In my opinion the
criminals that sneak across
the border to take advantage
of America and Americans
deserve nothing but contempt, jail and deportation.
Also, these criminals put a very
great financial strain on all of our social services and state
budgets; and this in the current climate of recession and massive
budget shortfalls7.
The liberal argument is that they
pay taxes and so are productive members of society.
Is that true? Absolutely not. The
fact is that illegal aliens cost the taxpayers billions of dollars
each and every year. According to the National Research
Council: “The NRC found that the average immigrant household
receives $13,326 in federal welfare and pays $10,664.00 in federal
taxes” 8;
difference of $2,662 per person. If
you accept the
numbers from the Center for Immigration Studies, there are about 11
million illegals here as of 20089.
Figure an average of about 5 people per family (not sure where I got
that number-it could be way off) that works out to almost $6 billion
a year.
And then there's the burden on our
criminal justice system. A lot of democrats argue that, if we just
give them all amnesty and citizenship, the legal problems would
disappear. Bull@#*%!!!
Yes. If they were citizens, they
wouldn't need false citizenship papers. Subsequently, identity theft
and forgery would drop accordingly, but these are not the only-or the
majority of crimes committed by people predisposed to commit criminal
acts in the first place10. They
sneak across the border to buy and sell guns and smuggle drugs. The
violence that goes along with those crimes are all part of their
trade; who they are. They rape and murder and simply don't care.
Then there's the crimes that could
have been prevented by the deportation of illegals already caught,
but then released by the compassionate Obama administrtaion11.
A new administration must be put
in the white house and congress. Then-and only then can we begin to
clean up this mess. If strong laws are passed and enforced, employers
won't be able to hire the illegals, land lords won't be able to rent
to them. They won't be able to open bank accounts or buy cars. Then
we won't have to spend the billions to deport them. With no job, no
home and no transportation they will have no choice. They will go
These measures won't completely
cure all of the problems associated with illegal immigration. All
countries have them. Someone will always try to be where they don't
belong and aren't wanted. But at least it would be a hell of a start.
Well anyway, that's what I think.
What's your opinion?
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