01 August 2012


     I have 6 kids: 4 of my own and 2 step kids. My youngest daughter Tonya I have not seen or heard from since 1988. Until yesterday!

      After all these years of wondering where she is, what she's doing and if she's even still alive, we found each other. I cannot describe the feeling. I am flabergasted and overjoyed.
     I also found out that I have 10... yes: TEN more grandkids. Yahoo. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full. Mine is overflowing and I am truly blessed. Thank you, Jesus.

     I absolutely L U V grandkids. Spoil 'em, feed 'em suger and send 'em home to mama. I wondered for years if I had any more grandkids. Now I know. I'll take a bow, now.
     Seriously, I've seen things like this on TV: siblings or parents and children suddenly being re-united after decades of seperation, but I never really believed that it could happen to me. On TV it usually is because of some reporter or private investigator. Then, when long-lost lovedones finally find each other, there's always a lot of tears. There sure was here.
     I had hoped to find her for all those years but never really believed that I would.
Now we are re-connecting.
     I love you baby girl. It is truly a glorious day.

1 comment:

Michael A Peterson said...

Thank goodness for Facebook