wonders never cease? Barney Frank and I agree on something. Something
in January, 2012 I posted the article "LET'S TALK ABOUT THE ONE
WE LOST". In that post, I put forth the idea that we would be
better off - or at least do less harm if we legalized ALL drugs.
retired representative Barney Frank has agreed with me in almost all
areas (he exempted PCP) and for the same reasons I stated.
other people have argued along the same lines that Frank and I state
but now it's not just people around the country. Now it's
congressmen, both retired and current.
time to stop funding the cartels, filling our prisons with people that
have done nothing more than get high, ripping apart families worse
than the drugs do and spending billions of tax payer dollars funding a
losing battle against drugs.
about Mr. Frank here:
Ron Paul agrees but for different
Even mainstream groups like the
Cato institute and the Washington Post have weighed in on the side of
Quite honestly, I very seriously
doubt that congress will ever consider legalizing drugs, with the
possible exception of marijuana, but it is an interesting concept.
Just some food for thought. Let me
know what you think.
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